Taiwan Movies

Good day、teacher and all classmates,

My name is Wang Pin Yao

Today what I want to share with you is Taiwan Movies


  Taiwan movie was initially established under Republic of China government after it had been transferred to Taiwan . Most films were featured about anti-communist in mandarin. At the same time、Taiwanese local folktales were also taken into the screen、like documentary film was the mainstream in 1960、and after a decade the government had encountered diplomatic dilemma in 1970. Chinese film makers therefore had produced a mass of patriotic movies.

  By that time、high tension or digital effect movies from Hollywood had conquered the entire local film market as well as the new wave filming such as Ang Lee and Tsai Ming Liang were the most well known directors. Local movies then had gradually gone to recession.

Until 2008、Cape No. 7 which directed by Wei Der Sheng had won phenomenal six  Golden Horse awards. The film was based on a love story between the sixties and the new era. The movie had also inspired the scenery business in Kenting. Other local films such as Orz boys、Winds of September、1895 had brought the new life for Taiwan movie.

I'm going to show you a short part in a movie called Mong Ga. This film has been propagated both in Berlin and Cannes film festival.

In regard to the well known director Ang Lee、he was born in Chaozhou Town Ping Dong County . His life was totally changed hereinafter he attended National Taiwan University of Arts. He had fully utilized the filming technique from the West and expressing the pursuit of freedom with indistinctive criticizing point of view which reconnecting the conversation of traditional Chinese culture.

He’s also perfectly described delicate experience to West culture. Brokeback mountain was basically telling the sentiment of homosexuality between American cowboys. Lust Caution in 2007 and Taking Woodstock in 2008 were highly recommended by the film critic as well as general audience.

Taiwan movies may not be that brilliant as you see from the West. But each film has its touching story and they are telling us different tales and history about Taiwan .

Would you tell us the movies in your country?  Are they just like I’ve just said?


1.   What is the most popular type of movies?

2.   How much does a movie ticket cost?

3.   How long does movie show in the cinema?

4.   Do you think you support your home movies?

5.   Any question about Taiwan movies?

各位老師、同學大家好 我是王品堯



   中華民國政府遷臺後,臺灣電影在官營製片廠的經營下,拍攝大量國語劇情片,其中不少都帶有反共色彩。同時,臺語片也悄然興起,題材以民間故事等為主,像1960年代,健康寫實電影成為電影界的主流,代表作有《蚵女》、《養鴨人家1970年代,伴隨著外交困境,中影製作了大量的愛國政宣影片,如《梅花》、《汪洋中的一條船1980年代起,《兒子的大玩偶》等影片開始了「新電影」風潮。解嚴之後,後新浪潮電影興起,李安蔡明亮成為這一時期的代表導演。同時,伴隨著美國好萊塢等洋片的大舉進入,像007 玩具總動員3 Toy Story 3 史密斯任務Mr. & Mrs. Smith 慕光之城 The Twilight Saga: New Moon …都是戲劇張力強,故事浪漫虛幻,特效多的電影,所以國片的環境與市場日益萎縮低迷。

  直到2008,由魏德聖導演所導的《海角七號Cape No. 7說的是用音樂/歌舞劇情愛情60年前與60年後的跨時代的愛情故事創下超過新台幣五億元的空前票房並贏得45屆金馬獎六個獎項也使消極已久的屏東恆春墾丁有再次重起生機,並帶動《囧男孩Orz Boyz、《九降風Winds of September、《一八九五》等台灣自製電影票房,可說是為長期低迷的國片注入了一劑強心針。


  另外台灣導演也值得一提,李安(Ang Lee)這位國際導演,同樣出生於南部,李安生於臺灣屏東縣潮州鎮(Chaozhou Town進了國立臺灣藝專(今國立臺灣藝術大學)影劇科National Taiwan University of Arts),從此改變了李安的一生。李安的電影貢獻在於他既充分接受西方電影技巧,以隱約的批判觀點來表達個人自由的追求,重新與傳統華人文化展開對話。對西方文化有非常細膩的體驗。《斷背山Brokeback Mountain描繪1960年代的美國西部牛仔之同性戀。這些電影都得到了西方影評和觀眾的讚譽。更難能可貴的是,讚賞李安非少數影評,而是一般大眾。2007年的導演作品《色,戒Lust Caution同樣是年度話題之作。2008年新作是《胡士托風波Taking Woodstock,入圍第62屆坎城影展主競賽單元。


1.  你們的電影已什麼類型最賣座?

2.  電影票價?

3.  上映多久?

4.  你們對自己的國片支持嗎?

5.  對台灣電影有什麼疑問?


  1. great

    this is good idea for your practice in english ,trying and

    doing .


